Thursday, April 30, 2009


After much deliberation I have decided to try my hand at urban landscape photography, I discussed my thoughts with others and came to the decision that it would be more challenging and interesting for me to try something new.

It was also suggested that trying something fresh and different would help me to hone in on what my specific practice is and what style or element links all my work.

Having used medium format and large format both recently I decided to revert back to 35mm film to brush up my skills.

Monday, April 27, 2009



1. To experiment with multiple exposures, to look at how one image affects the way another is read and to try different techniques, inside and outside of the camera.

I initially thought of this idea after reading a fashion magazine called Lula ( An up and coming fashion magazine They had some beautiful advertising images which I found inspiring.

Kenzo by Mario Sorrenti the Spring Summer '09 campaign

© Mario Sorrenti

© Mario Sorrenti

© Mario Sorrenti

© Mario Sorrenti

2. To capture the landscape in a different light, the try and make the ugly beautiful and the banal interesting. I aim to portray the beauty of the urban landscape and to avoid the landmine of the cliché!

After having done mostly studio work and fashion based work I feel that this would expand my portfolio and open my eyes to other ideas and styles that I have not considered before.

With Masters of Photography such as Robert Adams work within this area I know this would definately be a challenging and intriguing project.

Robert Adams, "Colorado Springs, Colorado" 1968

'Landscape pictures can offer us, I think, three verities—geography, autobiography, and metaphor. Geography is, if taken alone, sometimes boring, autobiography is frequently trivial, and metaphor can be dubious. But taken together, as in the best work of people like Alfred Stieglitz and Edward Weston, the three kinds of information strengthen each other and reinforce what we all work to keep intact—an affection for life.'

—Robert Adams, Beauty in Photography